Südsee Cup
Main page Modus Teams/Pools Schedule Dinner tips History Pictures Lost'n'Found
...16 charming mixed teams compete for 2 days of thrilling 7vs7 ultimate on 4 wonderful grass fields...
...games, party, camping and Germany's most beautiful lake in layout distance...
...sunshine awaits you for a weekend with a lot of friends...
We are excited to welcome you to the Südsee Cup!
Here you can find the tournament modus, the teams & pools and the schedule.
If you are a player without a team and want to to play at the Südsee Cup, please use the Pick-up Player sheet to show your interest to play as a pick-up. If you are a team and short on players, please use the Pick-up Player sheet to get in touch with interested pick-up players.
It all happens at the same place as the last years: The address is Mainaustraße 213, Konstanz, Germany, see map . (The University sports area is located in the small suburb 'Egg'.)
Parking: There are 2 official parking sites (map), both will charge you about 1,50 euro per day. If possible, please use the larger one (west of L219). There are no other convenient parking sites.
Train/Bus: Take the Bus Linie 4/13 (timetable) from Konstanz 'Bahnhof' to 'Egg/Universität' and walk about 500m to the University sports area (map). Google Maps also knows about the bus schedules.
We will have beer and music on Friday from 19:00 at the tent next to the fields. We will put up a grill, so you can bring your own food and put it on the grill for dinner. And you can go swimming in the lake! Camping is also open from 19:00 at the fields. On Saturday breakfast will be served from 8:00 to 11:00 at the fields, Sunday from 7:30 to 10:34. Games will start Saturday at 10:00, captain's meeting at 9:00.
The award ceremony will be over on Sunday by 16:45.
You can camp next to the fields. Camping is included in the playerfee for both
nights. There are mosquitos - be prepared.
Please bring your own cutlery, plate/disc and cup. You will get breakfast on both days (included in the playerfee). We will sell BBQ, salads, cakes, beer and soft drinks during both days for fair prices. All water from taps is drinking water. For Saturday's dinner we recommend the restaurants downtown or you can also call a pizza service and relax at the lake.
We want to make SüdseeCup a more green event, so please bring reusable plates/cutlery/cups/bottles to help us reducing our waste. We will have seperate garbages for plastic waste, biological waste, etc. Please seperate your waste and use the right garbage!
Just contact Frieder: frieder.braun@web.de
Also you can check our facebook page and the event on facebook.
Pictures of the last years and the stats.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Cheers and aloha,
Team Südsee
Sorry for not writing in german too, but we don't want to write everything twice.
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